2012 HIER LEBEN WIR / where we live
photoproject, catalogue, exhibition for the Verein Drehscheibe Glödnitz (A)
in cooperation with Sandra Fockenberger
This photo project „hier leben wir/where we live“ is dedicated to the remaining professions in the village Glödnitz/Austria. In a series of 30 images areas and spaces were photographed in which people are (still) working. The artificial fog acts as the“ invisible“ or „vague“ that the future might bring for the rural regions, but also for the unspoken and for family and village-specific taboos.
Glödnitz is a community in Gurktal/Carinthia (A) that is like many other villages in Europe struggling with rural exodus. There are few training or work opportunities for young people. Small shops, the post-office, the police station etc. have been closed down lately. Inns and spaces, where information exchange took place, disappear.
Some inhabitants of Glödnitz became aware of that development. By consequence a culture club (Drehscheibe Glödnitz) was founded, a natural swimming pool and a biogas plant was built, a publisher specialized in memoirs has settled in the village (Memoirenverlag Bauschke).